Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 29 November
Published on 29 November 2022
Role of a Councillor
This week, I would just like to highlight my role as a Councillor with Loddon Shire Council and what this entails as a representative of our community, along with my fellow Councillors – Cr Neil Beattie, Cr Gavan Holt, Cr Linda Jungwirth and Cr Wendy Murphy.
As Mayor of Loddon Shire Council, I am sometimes asked by residents if I can make direct decisions on behalf of Council. This is not the role of a Mayor and/or Councillors – if I was to make direct decisions on behalf of Council, this would be in breach of the Local Government Act 2020.
According to the Local Government Act 2020, the role of a Councillor is:
- to participate in the decision making of the Council; and
- represent the interests of the municipal community in decision-making; and
- provide good governance for the benefit and wellbeing of the municipal community
- to contribute to the strategic direction of the Council through development and review of key strategic documents of the Council, including the Council plan.
For more information about the role of Councillors and Council, visit https://knowyourcouncil.vic.gov.au/guide-to-councils/how-councils-work/council-structure
State Election
With the Victorian election held on Saturday, I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate all those who contested seats in the state election.
I’d also like to thank all those that worked during the election, including at polling places across Loddon Shire on election day.
Loddon Shire Council will continue to work with the State Government in managing priorities for our community.
Building permit delays
Please be aware that building permits will be delayed. This is due to our priority focus of the secondary impact assessments on buildings affected by the recent floods.
Council's Municipal Building Surveyor my not be available at all times for inspections. While Council will endeavour to have a second person available for inspections, this may not always be the case as these assessments continue.
Alternatively, you can view a list of Private Building Surveyors in Central Victoria region: https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Services/Building-services/Building-permits
Rural Landholder Grants Up to $25,000
Rural Landholder Grants are available to landholders affected by the floods.
The grants provide eligible rural landholders who do not qualify for the Primary Producer Recovery Grants with up to $25,000 to cover the costs of damage caused by the floods.
The Landholder Grant aims to assist small-scale primary producers with recovering from the disaster, manage animal welfare and added biosecurity risks.
For more information or to apply visit https://www.ruralfinance.com.au/industry-programs/victorian-rural-landholder-grants
Congratulations – Boort RSL Remembrance Day Poppy Appeal
Congratulations to Boort RSL sub branch who raised more than $3,162.72 through the Poppy Appeal to support the ex-service community.
Community Local Law 2022 adopted
At its November meeting last week, Council adopted the Community Local Law 2022.
The local law covers various aspects throughout the Shire including the keeping of animals and pets; certain activities on Council land, streets and roads; requirements for waste and recycling; and some activities conducted on private property.
The new local law is a simplified and easy to read document – its requirements aim to ensure that Loddon Shire continues to be a great place to live, work and visit.
A copy of the Community Local Law 2022 is available to view at Council’s office, 41 High Street Wedderburn, or can be downloaded from Council’s website https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Community-Local-Law-2022
To view the agenda and minutes from the November Council Meeting go to www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Agendas-and-minutes/Agendas-and-minutes-2022
Congratulations to Philippe de Kraan
I’d like to congratulate Tarnagulla artist Philippe De Kraan on being voted seventh place in the global top 10 most influential and valuable artists by Los Angeles Beverly Arts.
De Kraan is a regular exhibitor at the major art collector US exhibitions and was the only Australian on the top 10 list.
Congratulations Year 12 class of 2022
As the final exams have taken place across our region, I would like to wish students all the best. This includes the hope that the results they gain give them the opportunities and pathways they desire for their future endeavours.
Be proud of all your achievements and may the year ahead be filled with many adventures and success along the way.