Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 28 March 2025
Published on 28 March 2025
March Council Meeting outcomes
At our March Council Meeting, Councillors considered a number of key items. The meeting outcomes included:
- Council formally adopted the Loddon Recreation, Open Space and Aquatic Strategy.
- Council resolved to begin a land use planning process to determine the most appropriate way to expand the township of Newbridge. $300,000 has been allocated to support the necessary investigations, community consultation and strategic planning.
- Council will write to the Victorian Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Emergency Services, Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Treasurer and local MPs to advocate on behalf of our community on the Emergency Services Volunteer Fund Levy.
- Council approved the 2025/26 Annual Infrastructure Program.
- Council endorsed submission of Notices of Motions to the National General Assembly of Local Government on behalf of the Murray River Group of Councils.
To view past Council Meeting agenda and minutes, visit www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Agendas-and-minutes/Agendas-and-minutes-2025
Fire Danger Period Ends 7 April 2025
The Fire Danger Period for Loddon Shire will be lifted on Monday 7 April 2025.
The Country Fire Authority (CFA) is reminding community members that although the Fire Danger Period will be lifted, it’s still important to ensure that local conditions are safe before conducting any burn-off.
Registering burn-offs is essential. It helps prevent unnecessary callouts by ensuring that reports of smoke are cross checked with the burn-off register – saving volunteer firefighters from being pulled away from their families, work or real emergencies.
Landowners can register their burn-off online at www.firepermits.vic.gov.au/
Alternatively, you can register with the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) by calling 1800 668 511 or emailing burnoffs@esta.vic.gov.au
For more information, visit www.cfa.vic.gov.au/plan-prepare/how-to-prepare-your-property/burning-off
Sports Equipment Libraries
Last month, I attended the launch of the Pyramid Hill Sports Equipment Library at Kelly Park, where students from Pyramid Hill joined us to test out the new equipment.
This initiative was led by Healthy Loddon Campaspe and Sports Focus, and provides free access to sporting equipment available for the community.
The aim of this initiative is to break down financial barriers and make it easier for everyone to participate in physical activity and enjoy sport.
You can find sports equipment libraries at Soldiers Memorial Park in Tarnagulla and Kelly Park in Pyramid Hill.
Thank you to everyone for your input about what equipment you would like to see in these libraries.
I look forward to seeing people of all ages use the equipment and make the most of these facilities.
March Bulletin
Last week, the latest edition of Council’s quarterly Loddon Bulletin was delivered to households.
The March issues covers key updates, including Australia Day 2025 celebrations, progress on the Pyramid Hill Community Centre, initiatives from Healthy Loddon Campaspe and ongoing works and flood recovery efforts.
If you missed your copy or prefer to read online, visit www.loddon.vic.gov.au/News-and-public-notices/Loddon-Bulletins
2025 Official Visitor Guide out now
The 2025 Official Visitor Guide (OVG) has had a refresh with a focus on ensuring we offer the most accurate information on tourism related attractions, businesses, events and services within the Loddon Valley.
The OVG plays a crucial role in promoting the Loddon Valley’s unique offerings while encouraging visitors to extend their stay and explore more of what our region has to offer.
The OVG is a fantastic resource for visitors and locals and focuses on our diverse landscapes, cultural heritage and local experiences. With QR codes linking to online content, visitors can easily access the most up to date information, making it even easier to plan their trip.
The OVG is widely distributed throughout the Loddon Valley, as well as Visitor Information Centres and key outlets across Victoria, reaching thousands of visitors annually.
I encourage everyone to have a read of the 2025 OVG by visiting www.loddon.vic.gov.au/tourism
If you would like to be included in future editions of the OVG, make sure to contact Loddon Shire Council’s Tourism Team at loddonvisitorinformation@loddon.vic.gov.au
Churchill Fellowship applications open
A Churchill Fellowship offers Australian citizens and permanent residents a life-changing opportunity to travel overseas for four to eight weeks to learn more about a topic or issue that they are passionate about.
This Fellowship was set up in 1965 after the death of Sir Winston Churchill when the Australian public gave generously in what was one of the country’s largest ever doorknock appeals.
The concept for the Churchill Fellowships, endorsed by Churchill before he died, was to provide a unique opportunity for Australians to travel, learn, and bring knowledge back to their country.
Fellowships are open to all Australian citizens and permanent residents, regardless of industry, qualification, or background. No formal qualifications are required—just passion, curiosity, and a commitment to making a difference.
You can do a Churchill Fellowship on any topic, provided there is a benefit to Australia and your community by you sharing your knowledge or skills.
Applications for 2025 close on 1 May at 5pm. To find out more, please visit https://www.churchilltrust.com.au/
Cr Dan Straub