Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 24 January 2023

Published on 24 January 2023

Mayor-Dan Straub

Continuing on the road to recovery

The Andrews Labor Government has announced $41.3 million dollars to enable work crews to complete more than 460 individual road projects across major freight and travel routes throughout Victoria. I am pleased to see that funding has been secured to address the integrity of the Bendigo-Pyramid Road.

This is a significant investment in our Shire, and one that will have a positive impact on our residents. Some sections of flood-damaged roads will be completely rebuilt, along with large asphalt patching and resurfacing.

To read the media release please visit https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/continuing-road-recovery

Australia Day celebrations

This Thursday will see communities across Loddon Shire host local events to celebrate Australia Day.

The day will also include the presentation of the Australia Day Awards for Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Community Services and Community Group/Event of the Year

As mentioned in my previous column, celebrations will be held at Boort, Bridgewater, Eddington, Inglewood, Jarklin, Newbridge, Pyramid Hill, Tarnagulla and Wedderburn.

Times and locations of these Australia Day celebrations are listed on Council’s website at https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Ceremonies/Australia-Day  

Battling the bite       

It’s important to be aware of mosquito-borne illnesses like the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) and Ross River virus (RRV). These viruses are transmitted by mosquitos and can cause symptoms such as fever, nausea joint pain and fatigue.

MVE and RRV virus have been detected in mosquitoes trapped at multiple locations across the Shire.

If you’re attending outdoor events such as Australia Day, please remember to remain vigilant by protecting yourself from mosquito bites.

The best way to avoid being bitten is to cover up – wear long, loose-fitting clothing. Use mosquito repellents containing Picaridin or DEET on all exposed skin; and limit your time outdoors if lots of mosquitoes are about.

For more information visit www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/protect-yourself-mosquito-bornedisease

Flood Relief and recovery grants

One-off $5000 grants are available under the Small Business Immediate Flood Relief Program or the Community Sport Emergency Flood Assistance Program, to provide immediate support.

Applications for these grants close on Tuesday 7 February 2023.

Further funding is available to eligible applicants under the Business and Community Sport Flood Recovery Grants program. Flood Recovery Grants provide up to $50,000(excl. GST) to help cover eligible expenses incurred from direct damage due to flooding.

Funding received under the Small Business Immediate Flood Relief Program or the Community Sport Emergency Flood Assistance Program will be included in the total grant amount.

Applications for these grants close on 1 May 2023, applicants must have been successful for the $5000 one-off grant before applying for the $50,000 grant.

Please note, receiving a Small Business Immediate Flood Relief grant doesn’t automatically guarantee eligibility for a Business and Community Sport Flood Recovery Grant. Businesses and organisations that received a $5000 grant will be provided with information about eligibility and how to apply.

Small Business Immediate Flood Relief Program https://business.vic.gov.au/grants-and-programs/small-business-immediate-flood-relief-program

Community Sport Emergency Flood Assistance Program https://sport.vic.gov.au/grants-and-funding/our-grants/Community-Sport-Emergency-Flood-Assistance-Program

Concessional loans

Concessional loans of up to $250,000 are available to small businesses and not-for-profit organisations that have suffered significant damage to their assets and/or significant loss of income. Loans are for restoring or replacing damaged assets and/or to meet capital expenses.

Applications close Thursday 25 May 2023.

For more information please visit: https://business.vic.gov.au/grants-and-programs/victorian-small-business-and-not-for-profit-flood-recovery-concessional-loans

Single-use plastic ban

From 1 February 2023, the Victorian Government is banning the sale and supply of single-use plastic:

  • drinking straws
  • cutlery (including knives, forks, spoons, chopsticks, sporks and food picks)
  • plates
  • drink-stirrers and sticks
  • cotton bud sticks.
  • expanded polystyrene food service items and drink containers.

The ban will include plastic items made from conventional, degradable and compostable materials, including bioplastics.

Sustainability Victoria recommends businesses run down current stocks of the banned items in preparation for the ban, and avoid ordering any more of these items.

For more information please visit https://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/recycling-and-reducing-waste/in-a-business-2/single-use-plastics-ban-centre

Back to school

As the new school year begins, I would like to recognise the hard work and dedication of our teachers and staff, who have gone above and beyond to prepare for the year. 

Finally, I wish all of the students and teachers going back to school next week all the best for the new school year.


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