Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 23 May 2023
Published on 23 May 2023
Small Towns, Big Difference Forum
Discover how small towns throughout the Mallee region have made a significant impact on their communities through the development of community owned models for facilities/retail, diverse funding sources, innovative service delivery methods, facility improvement and the organisation of fantastic events. Everyone is invited to attend this free event presented by the Mallee Regional Partnership and Regional Development Victoria.
- Date: Tuesday 6 June 2023
- Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm
- Location: Charlton Park, Calder Highway
- Cost: Free
- Morning tea and lunch will be provided
Come along to hear about a range of exciting and successful initiatives from across the Mallee region of Victoria, including:
- Community-owned facility / business models
- Fabulous community events
- Diverse funding sources
- New ways of delivering services
- Improved community facilities
- Key ingredients to success.
Special guest Derek Guille (ABC Radio) and Brad McEwan (Brad McEwan Media) will be in attendance. Representatives from various Mallee communities will also share insights into their local initiatives. To register for the forum, please visit https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/small-towns-big-difference-forum-tickets-593925716807?aff=ebdsoporgprofile.
Wedderburn Swap Meet and Market
Last Saturday (20 May), the Wedderburn Engine Club hosted the Wedderburn Swap Meet and Market. This event provided an opportunity for the community to come together and exchange unwanted engine parts or other items they no longer need. Engine enthusiasts, mechanics and individuals interested in automotive repair gathered to connect, share knowledge and find new uses for these discarded parts.
Despite a damp start, the event was fantastic and the sunshine made an appearance later in the afternoon. Thank you to organisers and all those involved for making the event possible.
Reminder - Victorian Crop Sowing Guide
As we approach another sowing season, I wanted to remind farmers of available resources. Agriculture Victoria, in partnership with the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), released the 2022 Victorian Crop Sowing Guide.
The guide provides the most up-to-date information on crop variety performance and crop disease resistance ratings. This information will be valuable as growers consider their planting options for the upcoming winter crop season.
To download the Victorian Crop Sowing Guide, please visit
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea celebrates 30 years
Cancer Council Victoria encourages residents of Loddon Shire to host an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event with their family, friends and colleagues in support of people affected by cancer.
While the official day to host a morning tea is Thursday 25 May, participants can register to host at any time through May or June.
By hosting or attending a morning tea, you will contribute to Cancer Council Victoria’s lifesaving cancer research, prevention, advocacy and support programs for individuals affected by cancer
Currently, there are 21,386 morning tea hosts registered across Australia with over $2,913,128 already raised.
For more information or to register, visit https://www.biggestmorningtea.com.au/