Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 20 June 2024
Published on 20 June 2024
Launch of Wedderburn Story Walk
Last Wednesday, I had the opportunity to attend the launch of the Wedderburn Story Walk, located along Nardoo Creek walking trail.
This Story Walk was part of a Healthy Loddon Campaspe and Goldfields Library initiative. For those unfamiliar, Story Walk is a fun and interactive way for children and adults to engage with the outdoors while reading pages of a book scattered along a walking trail.
Follow the footpath signs to the Story Walk starting in the playground at Soldiers Memorial Park, Wedderburn. Once there you can follow the trail along the Nardoo Creek and enjoy the story of Little Koala Lost by Blaze Kwaymullina.
Tarnagulla Footpath Renewal Program
The Tarnagulla Footpath Renewal on ground works is nearing commencement, with contractors expected to start in July 2024.
Loddon Shire Council is upgrading the existing asphalt footpath and nature strip on both sides of Commercial Road between King Street and Wayman Street. A black coloured mix concrete is to be used for the footpath, driveways and nature strips to preserve town’s appearance.
New garden beds will be installed along the nature strip to enhance the town’s beauty, along with some enhancements to include some new intersection details at Poverty Street are also part of this renewal program.
This program is designed to retain the town’s outlook with better footpaths, nature strips and garden beds.
It is great to see the start of on ground works nearing and I’m sure the Tarnagulla community is looking forward to the project starting and the subsequent completion of this renewal project.
Upcoming Council Meeting
Council’s June meeting will be held Tuesday 25 June at 3pm in the Loddon Shire Council Chambers, located behind the Wedderburn Council Office.
You can also watch the Council meeting live via Council’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LoddonShire.
Some of the items on the agenda include 2024 Community Satisfaction Survey Results, Annual Infrastructure Program 2024/25, Fair Access Policy, Adoption of the 2024/25 Budget and Fees and Charges Schedule, and more.
To view the June Council Meeting agenda, visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Agendas-and-minutes/Agendas-and-minutes-2024.
Community Grants Program
Council is proud to support Loddon community groups with funding through the Community Grants Program to deliver some amazing projects.
Community groups with projects that develop or improve upon existing facilities, fund programs, purchase equipment that will increase accessibility and participation and meet a demonstrated community need are encouraged to apply. Funding can also be used as a co-contribution as part of an organisation’s financial contribution for an external funding application.
For more information, visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/For-residents/Community-support/Council-grants
Ward Boundary Review Final Report
Minister for Local Government, The Hon Melissa Horne has decided on the final ward boundaries for Loddon Shire, following recommendations from the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC).
As a result, adjustments will be made to the boundaries of the Inglewood and Tarnagulla Wards. These changes were necessary to accommodate the relatively high growth rate in and around the town of Inglewood, resulting in most of Derby, Leichardt, and part of Inglewood and Bridgewater transferring from Inglewood Ward to Tarnagulla Ward. All other boundaries were left unchanged.
The changes will take effect for the upcoming Council elections in October.
To view the final report, visit https://www.localgovernment.vic.gov.au/council-governance/electoral-representation-advisory-panels-eraps