Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 19 March 2024
Published on 19 March 2024
Victoria Minister for Emergency Services announcement
On Friday 8 March, I attended an event in Newbridge where the Victorian Minister for Emergency Services, Jaclyn Symes and representatives from the North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) announced the third round of grants under the National Partnership Agreement on Disaster Risk Reduction (NPA).
The grants aim to mitigate the impact of natural disasters on local communities and councils across Victoria. This funding will be distributed through two grant programs, the Risk and Resilience and the State and Regional Priority Projects programs. These programs will provide expert agencies with the resources to better prepare and respond to severe weather events.
CMA was one of the successful applicants and will receive over $448,000 in Risk and Resilience funding to support three projects, including:
- The Flood Eye mapping tool helps monitor flood information across five townships – Newbridge, Bridgewater, Clunes, Echuca and Quambatook
- The Loddon Flood Warning System Review to examine in detail the flood warning systems available to communities in the Loddon catchment,
- The Traditional Owner and Floodplain Management in the Gannawarra Shire Project aims to better incorporate guidance from Traditional Owners in floodplain management and flood response activities.
To read more about the programs, visit https://www.emv.vic.gov.au/index.php/how-we-help/grants-and-awards/risk-and-resilience-grants-program .
Minelab Wedderburn Detector Jamboree 2024
I had the pleasure of attending the Detector Jamboree at Hard Hill on Sunday 10 March and was fortunate to draw a number of prizes. Despite the warm weather, there were still plenty of competitors and spectators who came together to enjoy the fun and entertainment on offer.
Congratulations to James O’Neil who was the major prize winner of a GPX 5000 valued at $4,999.00 which Minelab generously donated.
Thank you to all the organisers and volunteers who make the Detector Jamboree a success every year and I look forward to another successful event next year.
Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED)
The Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED) allows people to connect to care anytime and from anywhere in Victoria, for non-life threatening emergencies, please click on this link https://www.vved.org.au/faqs/
Eligible people who have a camera enabled, can be connected virtually via video to a waiting room and speak with emergency doctors and nurse practitioners to receive medical advice. There is no charge for this service and waiting times fluctuate based on how many callers are online at a time.
To view the VVED information fact sheet, visit https://media.vved.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/V3_NH-VVED-A4-information-sheet-Patients_NOV22.pdf
Telstra Local Footy Country Grants are now open
Local footy clubs across the country can now apply for Telstra Footy Country Grants and applications are now open for Round 2.
Unveiled in September 2023 by the AFL and Telstra, Telstra Footy Country Grants will give local footy clubs an $8 million boost over the next four years, with a pool of $2 million to be distributed each year starting in 2024.
Co-funded by Telstra and the AFL, eligible clubs can apply for grants to invest in everything from new equipment for new teams to themed guernseys to increase cultural awareness and new training programs to help support and upskill volunteers. The Grants also aim to grow female participation and increase opportunities for clubs to implement new women’s and girls’ teams.
Eligible regional and metro clubs that meet the eligibility criteria can apply for grants of up to $20,000. These grants will help to strengthen, sustain and grow local footy.
Please note that Round 2 applications close on Friday 19 April 2024
Round 3 applications will open on Friday 19 April 2024 and close on Thursday 13 June 2024.
For more information, eligibility criteria and to apply online, please visit https://play.afl/clubhelp/footy-country-grants
2024 Official Visitor Guide
This year the 2024 Official Visitor Guide has grown to 80 pages, showcasing the best tourism experiences across the Shire. If you want to know what to do, see, eat, drink and where to stay in the Loddon Region, this guide is a must read.
This guide will be distributed across the State, bringing targeted exposure to local businesses while highlighting the Shire’s many leading experiences, attractions, events and must visit destinations. The publication highlights Loddon Valley’s points of difference, including undiscovered villages, cultural events and natural wonders to be unearthed, as well as numerous itineraries, trails and local profiles of must do activities.
Council has printed 10,000 copies of the 2024 edition, which will be distributed shortly to participating businesses throughout the Shire.
If you would like a physical copy of the guide, visit the Loddon Visitor Information Centre at 24 Wilson Street, Wedderburn, email loddonvisitorinformation@loddon.vic.gov.au or phone (03) 5494 3489.
Little Lake Boort Recreation Precinct Plan
Council is currently developing a Little Lake Boort recreation precinct plan.
There will be a pop up in the main street in Boort this Wednesday 20 March 2024.
Alternatively, from 11am on Wednesday 20 March, you can visit https://connect.loddon.vic.gov.au to review the plans and share your thoughts.
Loddon Healthy Minds Network is seeking community representative members
Council is seeking expressions of interest from residents across the Loddon Shire area to represent the community on the Loddon Healthy Minds Network.
The Loddon Healthy Minds Network promotes and advocates for improved wellbeing and access to appropriate services for people in Loddon Shire affected by mental health issues.
For more information, visit https://www.loddonhealthyminds.com.au/news/loddon-healthy-minds-committee-community-representatives
You can also request a paper copy by emailing Vicki Andrew at healthyminds@loddon.vic.gov.au or calling 5494 1230.
Have your say on our Recreation Open Space and Aquatic Strategy
Remember to have your say this week on the future of Recreation, Open Spaces and Aquatic facilities in Loddon.
Council is developing a 10-year strategy that focuses on activating open spaces, including sport and other active recreation reserves, parks and playgrounds, swimming pools, tracks and trails, bushland reserves, rivers and lakes.
You can get involved by completing the survey here https://connect.loddon.vic.gov.au/
Consultation closes on Sunday 24 March 2024.