Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 16 May 2023

Published on 09 May 2023

Mayor-Dan Straub

Municipal Flood Recovery Committee Meeting #3

Last Thursday, I attended the Flood Recovery meeting at the Newbridge Hall where we heard from various agencies on the ongoing recovery efforts.

Participants from various sectors came together to exchange ideas, discuss challenges and propose solutions. It was great to hear that 220 applicants in Loddon Shire have so far been successful for the $75,000 primary producer grant totaling $16.5 million.

I want to take a moment to highlight the remarkable efforts of the Red Cross in the aftermath of the floods that affected residents in our Shire. Their outreach and support have been nothing short of impressive, demonstrating that true spirit of resilience and compassion.

To stay up to date with recovery events, make sure to read the latest Flood Recovery Newsletter here https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/For-residents/Community-Flood-Recovery

Startup Central Victoria Pre Accelerator Program 2023

Expressions of interest are now open for the first intake of participants in Startup Central Victoria’s FREE Pre-Accelerator Program commencing in July and concluding in early October 2023.

The Accelerator Program, is open to aspiring and emerging entrepreneurs aged 18 years-plus (individuals and teams) from central Victoria who are looking to startup or scale up a business idea.

Entry to the program is open to early-stage founders through to those wishing to scale up to national and international markets.

The program includes attending a 13 week program of master classes (90 minutes each week). There may be some reading activities suggested by the masterclass presenters and meeting with business mentors at a mutually agreeable time and location for up to six hours over the course of the 13 weeks.

Topics covered over the 13 week program will include:

  • Entrepreneur Mindset
  • Business Model Canvas
  • Vision, Culture and Risk
  • Market Gap Analysis
  • Financial Structure
  • Commercial Law
  • Protecting your IP
  • Tech Data and Ethics
  • Branding and Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Exporting
  • Investors and Funding
  • Startup Pitch

For more information please visit https://startupcv.com.au/events/accelerator-program/

Expressions of interest close Friday 16 June 2023.

National Volunteers Week

It was an honour this week to be involved in National Volunteer Week celebrations.

As I have mentioned before, the contribution of volunteers across the Loddon Shire is valuable and very much appreciated – including those who put in hours at the Visitor Information Centre, Community Asset Committee, Meals on Wheels and any other volunteers who help promote our wonderful region and beyond.

Volunteers are the backbone in our community. You are the ones who give your time and energy to make our Shire a better place.

I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your invaluable contributions.

Council will continue to look at ways to acknowledge and celebrate volunteers, and I look forward to seeing you out in the community and at functions in the future.

If you would like to join an enthusiastic group of volunteers, please register your interest via https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Working-with-us/Volunteering-with-Loddon-Shire-Council

Upcoming Council meeting

Council’s monthly meeting will be held next Tuesday (23 May) at 3pm in the Loddon Shire Council Chambers, located behind the Wedderburn Council Office, off Peters Street.

You can also watch the Council meeting live via Council’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LoddonShire

To view the May Council Meeting agenda visit


Summerwave on tour 

It was great to hear positive feedback from the recent Summerwave music event that happened last Friday in Wedderburn and Saturday in Boort. Thank you for the hard work and dedication of event organisers, volunteers and the support of the community. Moreover, the music festival served as a platform for talent to shine.

There was performances from Taylor Henderson, One More Weekend, Amy Tie, Kitty Rae and more. It was a night enjoyed by all and I look forward to seeing more festivities in the Shire.



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