Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 10 November 2023

Published on 10 November 2023

Mayor-Dan Straub

Leadership Program Open for Applications

I am pleased to invite current and emerging leaders to consider applying for the prestigious Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program (LMCLP). LEAD Loddon Murray has operated our core LMCLP annually since 1998.

This ten month course is a transformative experience designed to support participant’s personal and professional development. It aims to inspire, challenge and support individuals in developing leadership skills and gaining a deeper understanding of the concept. The program has a proud reputation for developing community-focused people into confident, capable leaders.

Running from February to November, the program highlights numerous rural communities, towns and major regional centres. Throughout the course of the program, participants will visit many of the ten shires. Travel is an integral part of the program retreats, access to transport is essential. Additionally, you must be a resident of one of the ten local shire areas in the region to be eligible for the program.

The LMCLP retreats offer overnight stays, shared accommodation and most meals are included in the program cost. Participants requiring single room accommodation will incur additional costs.

Participant Commitments

  • 22 Program days from February to November.
  • 16 days of face-to-face sessions, including the 4 residential retreats of 3 days and 2 nights and one of two days and one night.
  • Shared accommodation and most meals are provided.
  • Travel to all corners of the region.
  • 12 on-line learning sessions.

I will also be participating in the 2024 program and look forward to developing and expanding my leadership skillset.

Visit the website for more information and to apply, visit https://www.leadlm.org.au/lmclp/

Loddon Lights up Orange

Loddon Shire Council is taking part in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence as part of our commitment to promote workplace equality and respect. This year we have been working to increase awareness and understanding of the extent and impact of gender inequality and its strong link to domestic violence.

The 16 Days of Activism campaign takes place from 25 November to 10 December and encourages people to call out sexism, sexual harassment and disrespect towards women.

It’s everyone’s job to address language, attitudes and behaviours that endorse violence and disrespect towards women. These steps will help change the structures and social norms which contribute towards gender inequality in the workplace and community.

For more information visit https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/understanding-prevention

PushbackBuybacks message taken to Canberra

Last Tuesday (31 October), Murray River Group of Councils (MRGC) members presented their case in Canberra against the water buybacks. Mayor Rob Amos and Cr Adrian Weston presented to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee regarding the proposed change to the Water Act. The Committee Chair is South Australian Senator - Karen Grogan from the ALP and questions also came from Perin Davey, Deputy Leader of the National Party, Fatima Payman (ALP). Senator Hanson-Young (Greens) did not attend the session.

“Last time we had water buybacks, there was a 28% decrease in milk production, which contributed to the closure of a milk processing plant, we lost 1,600 jobs across the wider economy and some local sports clubs became no longer viable because water buybacks caused people to leave the area. We can’t let that happen again,” Cr Amos said.

Help protect our farmers, our jobs and our food bowl. Sign the petition today https://www.mrgc.com.au/pushbackbuybacks/

Fire Prevention inspections

Loddon Shire Council’s Fire Prevention Officer (FPO) will start inspections across the Shire next week.

The FPO inspects properties to identify whether landowners are maintaining appropriate levels of vegetation and reducing fuel loads, particularly in high-risk areas.

Landowners who have excess vegetation, that is, large amounts of branches piled up or long grass or debris, will be issued with a fire prevention notice.

A fire prevention notice is a reminder for the property owner to reduce the fire risk at their place. Landowners typically have 14 days to comply with the notice or make contact with Council to discuss the issue. If the hazard is not removed within the required timeframe, Council will organise for a contractor to enter the premises and remove the fire hazard.

If Council has to arrange a contractor to remove fire hazards, it will be completed at the landowner’s cost, plus a $110 administrative cost. Under Section 41E of the Country Fire Authority Act 1958, an infringement notice may also be issued to the landowner for a failure to comply with a fire prevention notice.

Inglewood Alive

Last Sunday (5 November), saw the return of Inglewood Alive since 2019 due to COVID. Although, I was unable to attend the event, the feedback I received indicated that the event was a huge success. I would like to congratulate the Inglewood Tourism and Development Committee and volunteers for all the hard work that went into the organisation and running of the day.

It is great to see a wide variety of activities for locals and visitors to get out and about as the weather warms up within the shire.

Victoria Ombudsman and ARC Justice Drop-in clinic

There will be an upcoming drop-in complaints clinic with the Victoria Ombudsman & ARC Justice, offering an opportunity to voice your concerns and get assistance.

The Victorian Ombudsman handles complaints for over 1,100 Victorian state government agencies and departments, including:

  • DFFH (social housing and child protection)
  • Community housing providers
  • Department of Health
  • Local Councils
  • Fines Victoria
  • Registry of Births, Deaths &Marriages
  • Universities and TAFEs
  • VicRoads

If you are interested in an informal event where you can have a chat, find out information or lodge a complaint with the Victorian Ombudsman’s office. All welcome and light refreshments will be provided.

  • Date: Thursday, 16th November 2023
  • Time: 10:00am -2:00pm
  • Location: 171 Hargreaves Street, Bendigo - Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre 


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