Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 10 January 2023

Published on 10 January 2023

Mayor-Dan Straub

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all our Loddon Shire residents and ratepayers, as well as the many visitors that are joining us in the seasonal festivities. While our patience has been tested many times in 2022, the people of Loddon Shire have shown their incredible resilience each time in the face of many challenges.

I am looking forward to the work before us as Councillors as we chart the course of Loddon Shire over the coming 12 months. We have an enthusiastic and committed team of people determined to bring about the best outcomes possible for our residents.

Now let’s cross our fingers for an uplifting 2023.

Event Promotion Scheme

Do you or your community organisation have a new idea for an event, project or activity that will support and promote a healthy, involved and creative community? Loddon Shire Council has opened up its event sponsorship program. Your application must be lodged online through Council’s SmartyGrants program at least 30 days prior to the event to be considered for funding.

Submissions close 5.00pm 30 May 2023.

To review the guidelines and to begin a submission please visit https://loddon.smartygrants.com.au/2223EPS or email communitysupport@loddon.vic.gov.au for more information.

Australia Day celebrations

Let’s come together and celebrate all that is great about our country and our community.

Here in Loddon Shire, we are fortunate to have a wide range of Australia Day events and activities for people of all ages to enjoy. From the traditional flag raising, guest speakers, award presentations and a community barbecue there is something for everyone to participate in and enjoy.

I encourage all of you to come out and join in the celebrations, and to take a moment to reflect on what it means to be Australian. There are many ways to show your pride in our great nation.

Community celebrations will take place 26 January at the following locations:

• Boort - Nolen’s Park, from 9.15am followed by morning tea

• Bridgewater - Sloan's Reserve, BBQ breakfast from 8.00am

• East Loddon - Jarklin Public Hall, BBQ breakfast from 8.30am

• Eddington - Community Centre, BBQ breakfast from 8.00am

• Inglewood Swimming Pool, from 11.00am followed by a sausage sizzle and swimming carnival

• Newbridge Public Hall, from 11.15am followed by a light luncheon

• Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall, from 5.00pm followed by a sausage sizzle and activities

• Tarnagulla - Soldiers Memorial Park, from 5.00pm followed by a BBQ

• Wedderburn - Soldiers Memorial Park, from 11.00am followed by sausage sizzle.

Please note the change in ceremony time for Bridgewater and Wedderburn.

For more information please visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Ceremonies/Australia-Day

Loddon Shire Council celebrates our nation’s place in the world – a proud, ancient, multicultural nation built on shared values that allow us to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that other nations aspire to. We respect the stories, histories and contributions of all Australians, particularly those among us who contribute so much towards making Loddon such a great place to live, work and visit.

Prepare for 2022/23 Fire Season

I want to take a moment to remind everyone of the steps we can all take to reduce the risk of fires in our homes and businesses.

First and foremost, it is essential to have working smoke detectors in your home and sleeping area. These devices can save lives by providing an early warning in the event of a fire. Remember to test your smoke alarms regularly and replace the batteries as needed.

Reminder that fires cannot be lit in the open air without a written permit from the CFA. Lighting a fire in the open without a permit is an offence and can result in a penalty of over $19,000 and/or 12 months imprisonment.

Below are some steps you can take to reduce fire risk around your home:

  • Keep woodpiles away from the house
  • Get rid of dry grass, leaves, twigs and loose bark
  • Prune lower branches of shrubs to separate from surface fuels underneath
  • Cut back overhanging branches – no braches within 10m of dwellings
  • Keep grass cut to less than 10cm
  • Do not have large shrubs next to or under windows
  • Use pebbles or rocks in garden (not flammable mulch)
  • Keep gutters clear of leaf litter
  • Keep plants well-watered over warmer months

For more information about what you can and can’t do during the Fire Danger Period visit www.cfa.vic.gov.au/warnings-restrictions/can

To apply for a fire permit visit https://firepermits.vic.gov.au/

We can all work together to keep our homes and communities safe. Thank you for your cooperation, and let’s do our part to prevent fires and keep our Shire safe.


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