Coliban Water 'Choose Tap' refill stations - Bridgewater and Inglewood

Published on 26 February 2020

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The Loddon Shire has two new Choose Tap water refill stations, located at the Bridgewater Swimming Hole and J. Sloan Park, Inglewood, thanks to a collaboration between Coliban Water, the Loddon Shire and the Healthy Heart of Victoria Initiative.

The collaboration between Coliban Water, Loddon Shire and Healthy Heart of Victoria aims to provide the region with greater access to tap water, a healthier and more sustainable alternative to bottled water or sugary drinks.

The water refill stations are wheelchair accessible and are located near the seating and toilets at the Bridgewater Swimming Hole and next to the wheelchair accessible BBQ at J. Sloan Park, Inglewood. They include a water bubbler, drink bottle refill point, as well as a water bowl for dogs.

The water refill stations were installed at the end of last year and have been well received by the local community.


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