Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 22 November

Published on 22 November 2022

Mayor-Dan Straub

Council meeting today

Council’s November meeting will be held this afternoon (22 November) at 3pm in the Loddon Shire Council Chambers, located behind the Wedderburn Council Office, off Peters Street.

You can also watch the Council meeting live via Council’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LoddonShire

Some of the items on the agenda include Road Management Plan Defect Rectification Compliance Report, Aged Care Services in Loddon, Community Asset Committee Membership 22/23 and Public Health Quarterly Activity Report.

To view the November Council Meeting agenda visit


Loddon Shire Swimming Pools Season

We are pleased to advise that all Council swimming pools are open for the 22/23 season.

Loddon Shire has five swimming pools within the municipality, located at Boort, Inglewood, Mitiamo, Pyramid Hill and Wedderburn. 

For information on operating hours, entrance fees, contact details and to keep up to date with everything happening at your local Loddon Shire Council pool, please visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Services/Community-facilities/Swimming-pools

Dinner for Farmers

Irrigated Cropping Council are hosting a dinner in Pyramid Hill this Thursday 24 November 2022 to give farmers a chance to get off farm, talk to other farmers and find out about flood support available.

Date:       Thursday 24th November – The Victoria Hotel, Pyramid Hill

Time:       6 to 9pm

Catering: Dinner and drinks provided

Cost:        Free

RSVPs are essential please call Mel 0447 803 305 or email mel.mann@irrigatedcroppingcouncil.com.au

For more information please visit https://irrigatedcroppingcouncil.com.au/events/

Disposal of sandbags

If you used sandbags over the last few weeks to protect your home from flooding, it is important that you dispose of them correctly.

Sandbags may be contaminated after use and need to be disposed of safely.

Used sandbags can be disposed of at Council landfill facilities and transfer stations free of charge, alternatively they can be dropped off at the location of the sand piles that were set up across the Shire. The sand piles and any sandbags will be collected over the coming month as resources allow.  Our Works team are focusing on making roads safe and opening them up again. 

For more information on waste facility timetables please visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/For-residents/Your-home/Garbage-and-recycling/Waste-facility-timetable-and-fees

Sport or Recreation Grants

Are you a sport or recreation organisation that has been impacted by the floods?

The Community Sport Emergency Flood Assistance Program is now open, supporting organisations with grants of up to $5,000 for sport/first aid equipment, clubroom items and more. Applications close 13 January 2023.

For more information and application guidelines please visit https://sport.vic.gov.au/grants-and-funding/our-grants/Community-Sport-Emergency-Flood-Assistance-Program

Roads update

Reminder Council officers and contractors will focus on fixing high-risk locations, with other officers inspecting and prioritising works for the remainder of the road network. 

As previously mentioned Council has responsibility for 4800 kilometres of roads across the Shire, so inspections and repairs will take some time.

If you would like to report water over a road or general road issues for VicRoads roads call 13 11 70. For Council roads call (03) 5494 1200.

National Asbestos Awareness Week

National Asbestos Awareness Week (21-27 November) reminds Australians to Think Twice About Asbestos.

Asbestos is still present in millions of homes, as well as public and commercial buildings. Many buildings constructed before 1990 still contain asbestos. In fact, across Australia, asbestos is in 1 in 3 homes.

It is not recommended that you handle, remove, or dispose of asbestos yourself. It is easier, safer and often cheaper to get a professional to do the job for you. They will usually include the cost of disposing the asbestos waste legally with the cost of removal.

For more information please visit https://www.asbestossafety.gov.au/

2022 State Election – Saturday 26 November 2022

Voting centres around the State will be open from 8 am to 6 pm

Find you nearest voting centre and voting options for the 2022 State election.




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