Public toilets
Public toilets within Loddon Shire are provided for the amenity of both local residents and the general public visiting Loddon Shire. A number of public toilet facilities are located within each of the major townships and localities across the Shire as well as key recreational or tourist attractions.
Public toilet facilities are maintained regularly to keep the facilities clean and tidy. Cleaning frequency varies by location, but Loddon Shire Council has taken care to assess the different demands in each area and programmed the cleaning accordingly.
Your safety is our concern and appropriate waste and sharps containers are located throughout the Shire facilities.
If public toilets require cleaning or maintenance, please go to Report an issue or contact Council on (03) 5494 1200
Toilet facilities for public use within Loddon Shire are in the following townships-
- Boort
- Eddington
- Inglewood
- Korong Vale
- Laanecoorie
- Mitiamo
- Pyramid Hill
- Serpentine
- Tarnagulla
- Wedderburn
Follow the link for exact locations: