Landowner responsibilities for weed control

Under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, as a private landowner you have a legal responsibility to control weeds on your property. You must take reasonable steps to remove regionally prohibited weeds and to prevent the growth and spread of regionally controlled weeds on any land owned by you. 

Transporting weeds

It is illegal to transport noxious weed material without first taking precautions to ensure the vehicle and equipment is free from noxious weed seed and any other part of a noxious weed that is capable of growing.

Disposing of weeds

Ensure that you contact the Council’s transfer stations prior to arriving if you are planning to dispose of noxious weeds, as some green waste may not be accepted. Depending on fire and other restrictions, you may be permitted to burn off noxious weeds on your property. 

Weeds on neighbouring properties

Have a friendly chat with your neighbour about how you can work together to control weeds. If neighbourly negotiation is not possible, the Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions has the authority to enforce weed control legislation. Call 136 186 for advice.

Please note, local government has no enforcement powers with respect to noxious weed control on private property.

Weeds on roadsides

Management of weeds (control and prevention) is a shared responsibility – that requires cooperation between all roadside users, roadside managers and adjoining land managers. 

Roadsides are high risk – due to their exposure to adjoining land use practices and infestation from passing road transport and construction vehicles.

Landowners are encouraged to carry out isolated pest plant control measures with the use of chemical application using rope-wick and spot spraying, and does not require works within a road reserve permit on Council managed roads and is the preferred method when controlling weeds on roadsides. 

Use of boom spray is only permitted after seeking advice from Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and obtaining any statutory approvals that may be required. 

Council implements an annual roadside weed control program that is funded by the State Government. This funding allows Council to actively manage noxious weeds on Council roadsides.

To report a weed problem on your roadside, contact Customer Service on (03) 5494 1200.

Help and advice

Agriculture Victoria provides a range of online resources on weed management. For enquiries, contact 136 186.

Landcare Australia is a community-based initiative that aims to improve biodiversity and regenerate farmland by undertaking weed removal and control projects on public and private land. Your local Landcare or Friends group may be able to assist you with practical weed control measures and advice.