House fires

House fires can happen any day, any time and at any time of the year. House fires do not only happen during the colder months; they are just as likely to occur during the warmer months as well. A house fire can happen when you’re at home, or when you’re out for the day. They can happen quickly and without warning; you would be surprised how easily a house fire can be started.

Are you prepared for a house fire?

Do you have a home fire escape plan?

Do you know what the hotspots are in your home?

What can you do to keep your family safe?

How do house fires start?

There are a few simple things you can do to prevent a house fire in your home. The best prevention is to know what the most likely causes of house fire are, and then take action to address the causes in your home.

Common causes of house fires:

Most house fires start in the kitchen due to unattended cooking.

Other causes include candles, open fires, heaters, electric blankets, clothes dryers, overloaded power points and unattended appliances.

Lithium Batteries, especially when charging Electric bikes, e- scooters and other devices like mobile phones and tablets can overheat and catch fire.

The CFA recommends that you check the hot spots in your home.

Please head to this CFA website for further information

Developing a home fire escape plan

Every household should have a home fire escape plan. Do you have one?

When developing your home fire escape plan, you need to involve everyone who lives in the house and you must practice your plan. This is vitally important if you have children or family member who have mobility issues or other medical issues that may affect their ability to escape safely.

To find out more about home fire safety you can visit

Keeping your family safe

Research shows that a functional smoke alarm saves lives. Make sure your smoke alarms are in working order; change the batteries twice a year (good time is when daylight saving commences and ends) and check weekly.

Insurance and house fires

How many times do you hear on the news after a house fire, that the residents did not have house insurance or they did not have adequate insurance cover?

Don’t be one of those people.

While it is stressful and upsetting to lose your home with its contents, having adequate house and contents insurance reduces that stress.

If you do not have house and contents insurance, it is a good idea to get it right now! For more information visit insureit.

If you currently have house and contents insurance, we advise that you check with your insurance company to assess the adequacy of your current cover. You can also check with the Insurance Council of Australia. 

Recovering from a house fire

In the event of a house fire, Council’s Municipal Recovery Manager (MRM), together with Red Cross and the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH), provide support to affected individuals and families.

Council’s Building Inspector may also attend the property to determine the health and safety risk associated with a fire-damaged building.

You may be eligible for financial assistance from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing visit their website here and material aid (clothes, toiletries and bedding) from the Salvation Army.

It is normal to experience stress after a house fire. Even if you don’t feel stressed immediately after a house fire, we recommend you read the Red Cross information about experiencing stress as a result of an emergency. For information about preparing for, responding to and recovering from an emergency, visit the Red Cross website.

You can contact Council and speak to the MRM on (03) 5494 1200 if you require assistance.