Data, Information and Evidence Resource Guide

This information is to provide access to publicly available data and information resources to support Loddon Shire community organisations, businesses and individuals develop grant funding submissions.

Council does not warrant the accuracy of any third party research, data or analysis.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

Online interactive data maps

Interactive data sets include:

  • Regional Population Data
  • Populations of Interest – people with disability, unpaid carers, health condition distribution
  • Australian Census – longitudinal dataset
  • Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) 2016

Statistical Geography

Allows users to understand, compare and analyse statistical data for informed decision making about all sorts of places from Cities and Suburbs to Regional Areas or Local Government Areas.

  • Geographic distribution of people with disability
  • Geographic distribution of people with chronic health conditions
  • Geographic distribution of people aged 50 and over who work across a range of industries
  • COVID – 19 At risk population geographic distribution 

Datapack Downloads

Datapacks include:

  • General Community Profile
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Profile
  • Time Series Profile
  • Working Population Profile


The ABS collects data from a range of sources including surveys, censuses and administrative collections. This data is used to create microdata files, which contain detailed information about individuals, businesses and other groups. Within a microdata file, each record or row of the dataset represents information relating to one person, household or business.

Access to microdata is managed to protect privacy and confidentiality. Users need to apply and be approved by the ABS before accessing microdata.

Australian Government

Open data sets

The central source of Australian open government data.

Anyone can access the anonymised public data published by federal, state and local government agencies.  Click here for more information.

The State of Loddon’s Children and Young People Report 2023

The State of Loddon’s Children and Young People Report 2023 presents 74 data indicators related to the health and wellbeing, learning and participation of children and young people aged 0-24 years. The report highlights positive gains over time and areas of decline where greater focus and partnership is required.

Loddon Shire Young People Report 2023(PDF, 5MB)

National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)

NDIA data provides a picture of the needs, successes and challenges for Australians who live with a disability and those who support them.

Data, insights and data packs

Explore Data – interactive analysis tool

Reports and Analysis

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

DHHS develops the LGA Statistical Profiles on an annual basis, to support and inform health and human service planning and policy development. The profiles contain data for all 79 LGAs, as well as for DHHS Areas and former Regions.

Population Diversity Disadvantage and social engagement Housing, transport and education Health status and service utilisation Child and family characteristics and service utilisation Rankings are provided to enable comparison of LGAs, along with the Victorian averages.

Local Government Area Population Profiles

Local Government Areas

Open data sets

The City of Greater Dandenong website contains data sets for all local government areas including the Loddon Shire.  Click here to go to their website to find the relevant data set and search by Loddon Shire. 

Loddon Shire data

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

For a summary of Loddon Shire statistics, visit the ABS website

Victoria Health

Health.vic provides information for the Victorian healthcare sector and businesses about planning, policy development, funding and regulation. These include public health services, public hospitals and external organisations that deliver health, mental health and aged care services in metropolitan, rural and regional Victoria.

Population Health Reports 

Health and Wellbeing Indicators

LGA Profiles provide a snapshot of wellbeing indicators for each local government area (LGA) in Victoria. All indicators are taken from the VicHealth Indicators Survey 2015.

Healthy Loddon Campaspe (previously Healthy Heart of Victoria)


MyVictoria is an authoritative platform for open data insights in Victoria. Browse the data list below to find out more about each dataset and where they come from. Or download full datasets for further use.

Loddon Shire

Towns in Time

Featured towns include:

  • Boort
  • Inglewood
  • Korong Vale
  • Mitiamo
  • Pyramid Hill
  • Tarnagulla
  • Wedderburn