The Boort Park Community Asset Committee administers, manages and controls the facility known as Boort Park. Members of the committee include user groups of the facility. This reserve has excellent facilities for the local football, hockey and netball teams in the winter, cricket and tennis teams in the summer, with a childrens playground. Facilities for Boort Harness Racing Club and Boort Agricultural and Pastoral Society support their annual events.
Room capacity (without COVID restrictions)
Hire fees (GST is not applicable)
Room for hire
Unit rate per day
Sports Bar
Meeting only
$ 60.00
$ 20.00
$12.00 for $12M cover
$15.00 for $20M cover
Please contact the booking officer for more details: Jacqui Verley 0419 094 449
Boort Park, Malone Street, Boort 3537 View Map
Malone Street , Boort 3537