Invest in Loddon


Economic Context

Loddon Shire’s gross regional product (GRP) is estimated at $586.7 million, supporting an estimated 2,770 jobs. Employment is concentrated in the five largest industries (agriculture, health care, manufacturing, education and retail), which employs three quarters of Loddon’s workforce. Agriculture accounts for almost half of all economic activity and local jobs.

Between 2016 and 2021, jobs growth was concentrated in agriculture, and transport and warehousing, reflecting the Shire’s primary industries and strategic location in terms of logistics and transportation.


Local expenditure within Loddon is estimated to be $221.8 million and reflects local industry demand for locally sourced inputs into production. More than half of this local expenditure is generated by the agriculture sector. 

When local industries with strong links to local business expand, so too do the local supply chains. Sectors with the highest ratio of local spend compared revenue include meat production, grain milling, building construction and agricultural services. For every $1.00 of gross revenue generated by the Meat & Meat Product Manufacturing sector, $0.63 is spent on local inputs into production.


Change in value-added (a major component of GRP) highlights sectors which are key drivers of economic growth. Much of Loddon’s economic growth over the past decade has been in sectors associated with agriculture, food manufacturing and trades (construction services).


Economic Opportunities

Loddon’s natural endowments and strong economic foundations present a range of opportunities for economic growth. By capitalising on these opportunities, the Shire can attract investment in new-age industry and technology, and high-value workers to the region.


Agriculture and food production continue to be an inherent comparative advantage of the Loddon Shire’s economy due to an abundance of productive land and water assets. The region also has created economic strengths by investing in infrastructure that connects local producers to nearby key markets, processors, and national distributors.

The agricultural sector continues to grow and with significant investment into expansion of intensive agricultural production and establishment of value adding processes, in addition to diversification into energy production and carbon capture.


Housing supply and diversity facilitate population growth, and workforce attraction and retention. This, in turn, enables businesses to access the talent they require to operate and grow, making housing supply intrinsically linked to economic growth.

A continual focus on housing availability influences local investment, as residents generate demand for local goods and services. Sufficient housing supply also contributes to resident stability, allowing people to establish roots in the community, creating a vibrant environment for current and future residents.


Energy is a key consideration for the longer-term planning of businesses and households. Renewable energy contributes to Australia’s Net Zero targets and enhances the competitive advantage of regional economies and local businesses. Loddon Shire, with its abundant sunshine and open spaces, is well-suited for renewable energy production.

Businesses in the Loddon Shire are investing in various forms of renewable energy, from traditional solar and wind infrastructure to advanced bioenergy production. These investments attract new capital and high-valued jobs to the region.

Industry Trends

Industry 4.0 has revolutionised traditional primary production industries through digital technology, enabling businesses to increase their productivity, improve process efficiency through automation, and diversify revenue streams with new products. Embracing these innovations across these major economic opportunities positions Loddon Shire as a leader in modern, sustainable industry practices.

In the agriculture and food production sector, investments in technology are driving diversification into new, circular economy products like biofuels and fertilisers, and risk mitigation infrastructure to protect against disasters such as flooding and energy insecurity. By integrating these emerging technologies, Loddon Shire is ensuring long-term economic resilience and growth. 

The Loddon Shire Economic Development Strategy 2025-2029outlines a comprehensive plan to foster economic growth and resilience in the region, to obtain a copy of the Strategy, click here(PDF, 5MB).

Investment attraction facts, strengths and statistics for Loddon, are listed below:

Invest Loddon Mallee


The Loddon Mallee region is Victoria's largest area for economic opportunities and diverse natural resources, leading in the renewables sector and known for next-gen agriculture and advanced manufacturing.  The region has an education sector which includes internationally-recognised tertiary institutions, and a vibrant arts and culture scene that attracts a growing number of visitors.

As a region, Loddon Mallee is ambitious, progressive, and investment-ready. We invite you to discover the many advantages of doing business here.

For more details on Invest Loddon Mallee, click here.


Goulburn Murray Invest Grow Prosper


Goulburn Murray – Invest, Grow, Prosper highlights the diverse agricultural investment opportunities available in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District (GMID).

It’s an informative starting point for anyone looking to expand or build their agricultural business, providing key information and links to further resources to continue the conversation.

With reliable access to a modern, secure and high-quality water supply, productive climate, established industry support network, relaxed rural lifestyle and leading community services, the GMID is ready to grow your next agricultural investment.

For more details on Goulburn Murray - Invest Grow Prosper, click here.


Competitive strengths

The Loddon Shire economy is supported by several unique and strategic assets that make it an attractive region to invest in:

  • Rich soils and ideal climate for highly productive agricultural and horticultural industries.
  • Strong transport and road infrastructure to support logistics needs of industry.
  • Open spaces for biosecurity buffer zones for intensive agriculture.
  • Land for industry development and large scale manufacturing and production facilities.
  • Food and Beverage Manufacturers investment guide for rural Victoria,  Rural Councils Victoria have produced a website for food and beverage manufacturing opportunities.
  • High quality modernised water supply system with significant pipelines to support rural industries.
  • Affordable rural lifestyles for property ownership and quality of life.
  • Community minded towns that support high volunteerism and economic growth in the region.
  • Quality education, health and community facilities.
  • Promising outlook for future population growth.



Statistics and population information

For more detailed insights on Loddon Shire’s Community Profile, including population and statistics, you can visit -

Reports on Loddon Shire’s Economic Profile can be found by visiting the Council’s REMPLAN website. Business, industry, and government can create impact reports across industries to support grant applications, construction projects and submissions.  To find out more information, click here.

To uncover open data insights for your business in Victoria, click here for Business Victoria’s - My Victoria. 

For further population statistics, visit the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.



Connect for support

If you would like to understand more about Loddon Shire or to discuss a project you would like modelled, contact Council’s Economic Development Team on  (03) 5494 1200 or email