The community feel and support for small businesses in the area is the incentive for many investors to relocate their families for the opportunity to grow in this part of regional Victoria. Many residents of the Loddon Shire have been attracted by a combination of affordability and rural lifestyle.
Communities across the region deeply respect the rich early settler history and significant indigenous cultural heritage. The network of small towns is built with strong connections to support and culturally adopt those who move to the region to work or live. Many new migrants have found new lives and opportunities in supportive communities like Pyramid Hill. For more information on how Pyramid Hill embraces its Filipino community click here.
Strong allied health, aged care and disability services are available within our region, and state of the art hospital care and treatment facilities are accessed via Boort District Health, Inglewood and District Health Services and Bendigo Health.
For further information on health and wellbeing in Loddon Shire, click here.
The public and Catholic schools across the region offer a progressive and high-quality education from prep to year 12. A broad variety of curriculum options are available for students to allow them to access pathways to employment and higher education all within the region.
Schools located in the Shire:
Boort District School, P-12
Bridgewater on Loddon Primary School
East Loddon P-12 College
Pyramid Hill College, P -10
St Mary’s Primary School Inglewood
St Patrick’s Primary School Pyramid Hill
Tarnagulla Primary School
Wedderburn College, P-12
Education pathways
North Central Trade Training Centre: Students in the Loddon Shire have access to The North Central Trade Training Centre, (NCTTC) located at Charlton College to undertake the delivery of VET certificates. These certificates cover a broad range of areas and address skills shortages in agriculture, in occupations in local demand in aged care and allied health, and in the trades of carpenter, cook, engineer, hairdresser, beautician, community services, music, animal studies and sport and recreation. Students undertake VET provision on a Thursday. For further information, click here.
North Central Local Learning and Employment Network: Careers, pathways and partnerships are key in Loddon. The North Central LLEN is a not-for-profit charitable organisation working across the Loddon Shire supporting children from birth to 21. A key part of the LLEN’s role is a comprehensive set of Careers and Pathways programs.
The LLEN, through a partnership with Loddon schools and the North Central Trade Training Centre, provides qualified career practitioners to work with young people from years 9-12. Each student works one to one with a careers practitioner to develop a Career Action Plan; these plans are a tool to support the development of aspirations, and for young people to investigate pathways for their life beyond school.
A critical role of the LLEN is to bring together and align available resources in the career and pathway space to ensure that young people, their families, businesses and industry in Loddon have access to the best possible assets available to support them to succeed in education, work and life.
The range of additional LLEN partnership programs supporting young people in the Loddon Shire include the Structured Workplace Learning program (includes School Based Apprenticeships), the Flexible Learning Options program (for disengaging youth) MATES mentoring programs and the TAC L2P drivers education program. For more information, click here.