Local Indigenous History Day

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A unique insight into our Indigenous History with Associate Professor Dr Jennifer Jones & Geological Consultant Dr Rod Boucher 

The afternoon will also include a screening of 'The Lake of Scars' 


Afternoon Schedule: 

1.30: Dr Jones shares her research findings on the impact of the gold rush and pastoral settlement on Barapa land, as a means to trace the life history of an apical Djaara woman, Emma Kerr.

2.30: Afternoon tea provided by Pyramid Hill Historical Society.

A display of Aboriginal Artefacts from Paul Haw's 'Temporary Keeping Place' at Boort and the Pyramid Hill Museum.

3.30: Dr Rod Boucher - the geological formations of Pyramid Hill, Terricks Ridge and Kow Swamp.

5.00: A special screening of the documentary 'Lake of Scars' filmed in Boort.

For more information on the Local Indigenous History Day, please contact the Pyramid Hill Historical Society. 



  • Friday, 31 March 2023 | 01:30 PM - 06:30 PM


Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall, Kelly St, Pyramid Hill, 3575, View Map

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