Local Indigenous History Day
A unique insight into our Indigenous History with Associate Professor Dr Jennifer Jones & Geological Consultant Dr Rod Boucher
The afternoon will also include a screening of 'The Lake of Scars'
Afternoon Schedule:
1.30: Dr Jones shares her research findings on the impact of the gold rush and pastoral settlement on Barapa land, as a means to trace the life history of an apical Djaara woman, Emma Kerr.
2.30: Afternoon tea provided by Pyramid Hill Historical Society.
A display of Aboriginal Artefacts from Paul Haw's 'Temporary Keeping Place' at Boort and the Pyramid Hill Museum.
3.30: Dr Rod Boucher - the geological formations of Pyramid Hill, Terricks Ridge and Kow Swamp.
5.00: A special screening of the documentary 'Lake of Scars' filmed in Boort.
For more information on the Local Indigenous History Day, please contact the Pyramid Hill Historical Society.
Friday, 31 March 2023 | 01:30 PM
- 06:30 PM
Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall, Kelly St, Pyramid Hill, 3575, View Map
Kelly St ,
Pyramid Hill 3575
Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall
Kelly St ,
Pyramid Hill 3575
Local Indigenous History Day